Latest news
Year 2010
Another project by Plasticom in order to obtain funding from the European Union was approved.
The project is called "Improving competitiveness by upgrading the company Plasticom" and is funded by the Operational Programme Increase of Economic Competitiveness.
The project aims the purchase of 6 new injection machines and of a new robot. The investment will be made in 2011.
Year 2009
From January 1st 2009 in PLASTICOM uses a modern technology called: Gas assisted injection. This measure is adopted by the company's management as a result of improving the technological process but also as a measure of diversification of product range. Our company is among the 3 companies that use this technology in Romania.
Year 2008
Plasticom is also nominated by A.N.I.M.M.C (National Agency for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) to implement the program called "Growing the company competitiveness through the purchase of modern equipments". This program consists in the acquisition of 2 injection machines - one of 500 tons of force and the other of 700 tons of force. Program funded by the European Union.