Plasticom - Plastic parts manufacturer from Romania


PLASTICOM is a reliable partner for renowned companies, manufacturing molded plastic components since 1993. PLASTICOM offers related services such as assembly or mold inserts.

The activity of plastic injection takes place at the headquarters located at Cuza - Vodă Street no. 99 from Titu, Romania (Dambovita county). The headquarters are located on the national road 7A, Bucuresti - Pitești. [find out more...]

Modern technology - Gas-assisted injection molding

Gas-assisted injection molding

We use a modern technology to produce the plastic parts called gas-assisted injection molding , available at PLASTICOM since 2009.

PLASTICOM is among the few companies in the country using this technology, which offers the following advantages:

  • greater freedom in design and dimensions for the parts made
  • increased precision in execution
  • better quality of finishes
  • economy of material, lighter parts
  • increased durability of the part by reducing the force applied to execution.
[find out more ...]

Technology and competence

Over the years, since the company has been founded (in 1993) we have invested in two values: technology and people .

We like to think that now, after 31 years, we have both the modern technology and the necessary experienced staff to handle it.

And these are in fact our strong points ...